Modem Manager Windows
One pesky problem with Windows 10, as well as the earlier versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system, is that the COM port assignments for devices that use them, often change. In this post, we show how to change COM port number on USB modem back to what it was before. Or, you can do this to changed assigned port number at will to any unused port you desire.
My com port is missing. And the ports option is not available in Device Manager. I'm able to perfectly connect and use my phone/modem with the computer. I had gone through several discussions about same topic here in to no avail. How do i enable it, or can you provide a link where i can download this com driver for windows 10? To check whether your PC has a wireless network adapter: Select the Start button, type device manager in the search box, and then select Device Manager. On Device ManageR’s host system, navigate in Windows to Start–Control Panel–System and Security–System–Device Manager. In the Device Manager screen, double-click on Modems to expand the list. Locate your modem and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select Properties. In the Properties window, select the.
A USB modem for example, may start off being assigned to COM3 when you plug it in right out of the box. But that assignment can (and often does) change to COM4 or some other COM port, any time the modem is unplugged and reconnected, the computer restarts, a new version of a device driver is installed, a different USB port is used, certain Windows updates are installed, and a myriad of other possible port reassignment triggers.
Version 8.1 is Windows 8-Compliant! Hub Manager® Professional Software is a powerful and easy to use solution. Fast and easy to use management reports meet the requirements of the commercial access control market. Hub Manager® Professional Software uses “Access Levels” for construction of logical groupings of doors, sites, users and time zones. Building access levels,. Here’s how to find the modem in Windows. Choose Control Panel from the Start menu, and then choose Phone and Modem Options. You see one of two dialog boxes. If you haven’t yet set up your laptop’s location, you see what’s shown above. The steps you take to restart your modem and router can vary, but here are the general steps. (Note: If you have a cable modem/Wi-Fi router combo device, you only need to follow the steps for the single device.) Unplug the power cable for the router from the power source. Unplug the power cable for the modem from the power source. HiRO V92 56K External USB Data Fax Dial Up Internet Modem Dual Port Built in Buzzer Truly Plug n Play Driverless Installation Built in Driver Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, 32-bit 64-bit (H50228) 3.9 out of 5 stars 78.
Of course, when the modem COM port changes, any program that relies on the modem listening on the original COM port, no longer functions correctly. The solution is to change the modem COM port back to the one it was originally using, and the procedure below demonstrates how to do this.
How to Change COM Port on USB Modem, Windows 10
1. Plug USB Modem into Working USB Port on Windows 10 Computer
You won’t be able to change its COM port settings if it’s not connected to your machine when you try.
2. Bring up Device Manager Window
You can find Device Manager in Control Panel, or enter the word -Device- into Cortana’s search box. This brings up a link to -Device Manager- (usually the first one) in the results list. Tap that link, and you’ll see a screen similar to the shot in the next picture.
3. Find the Modems Device Group Item to Continue with How to Change COM Port on USB Modem
The purple arrow points at the Modems group in the last picture.
Then, tap / click the downward pointing arrow immediately to the left of that entry. This expands the Modems device group, as shown in the next picture, revealing any modems currently connected to and operating correctly on your computer. In this demo, we only have one USB modem connected, as listed.
4. Double Click the Entry for the Modem to Change
In our demo here, we’re changing the COM port for the Agere Systems USB 2.0 Soft Modem. So, we double click the entry for that modem, and this brought up the Windows 10 device configuration screen for this modem, as shown next.
5. Then, Click / Tap the Advanced Tab
Windows 10 Modem Setup
The purple arrow points at the Advanced tab in the last picture. The configuration window then redraws itself to show the advanced configuration options for this particular modem, as shown in the next picture.
6. Tap / click the Advanced Port Settings Button to Continue with How to Change COM Port on USB Modem
The purple arrow in the last picture points at the Advanced Port Settings button. Doing so brings up the -Advanced Settings for COMx- window, as shown next. The actual COM port number that is currently assigned to the modem replaces the x in COMx here. In our demo here, this window is for COM4. Thus, we see that our modem is currently assigned to COM4, although we wish to assign it to COM3.
7. Expand the COM Port Number Pop-up Combo Box
Do that by tapping / clicking the downward pointing arrow immediately to the right of the port number. We’ve drawn a purple arrow in the previous picture, pointing at this expander button in the previous picture. When you expand the list, you get a complete list of available COM ports that this modem may use, as shown in the next picture.
8. Tap / Click the Desired New Port number in the List
You may have to scroll up or down in the list to find the port you want. In our demo, we’re assigning our modem to COM3. So we tap COM3 in the list, as shown in the previous picture, pointed at by the purple arrow. This then collapses the expanded port list back down to a single entry in the -COM Port Number- field, showing the new port number we chose. We’ve changed our modem to COM3, as shown in the next picture.
9. Tap / Click the OK button on the Advanced Settings for COMx Window to Continue with How to Change COM Port on USB Modem
Doing so closes that window, and reveals once again the device configuration window for our modem, as shown next.
10. Press the OK Button on the Device Configuration Screen
This applies the new COM port assignment to the modem, and closes that window, once again revealing the Windows 10 Device Manager window, as shown in the next picture.
11. Exit the Device Manger Window
Exit either via its file->Exit menu item as shown in the previous picture, or by tapping / clicking its -Close- button, found in the top right corner of the window (the X button). Your COM port reassignment for the modem is now complete.
With the COM port successfully changed, we recommend that you close and restart any program(s) that use the modem, and, if necessary, change the COM port settings in said program(s) to match the port number we just set up.
12. Done with How to Change COM Port on USB Modem !
Related Posts to How to Change COM Port on USB Modem
Suggested Reading
References for How to Change COM Port on USB Modem
Revision History
- 2019-05-30: Added links and tags.
- 2019-04-27: Added tags.
- 2018-04-18: Revised post title and content for better keyword targeting.
- 2017-12-04: Originally published.
Knowledge Base / Frequently Asked Questions / Device ManageR
Before you attempt to configure your dial-out or GSM modem in Device ManageR, please download and install the Dial Out Plugin Bundle from your account at
Ensure you connect your external modem to Device ManageR’s host system:
– Dial-out notifications require a Hayes-compatible analog modem.
– GSM notification require a GSM/GPRS modem compatible with industry-standard GSM AT commands.
Configuring Your Dial Out Modem
1. Open Device ManageR in your web browser. You may open it by entering ‘localhost:8080’ or ‘<IP address of host system>:8080’ in your browser’s address bar.
2. Select Settings in the navigation bar to the left.
3. In the Settings menu, select External Modems.
4. In the External Modems page, locate the Dial Out Modem section.
– In Phone System Prefix, enter the number required to access an outside line. Many phone systems, for example, require ‘9’ to make an outside call.
– If you are using TAP, enter a Test Service #. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
– In Test Phone/ID #, enter a phone number to send a test message to once you’ve finished configuring your modem.
– If you are using TAP, and your TAP service requires a password, enter a Test Password. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
– In Test Initialization String, leave the default string (&FQ0V1X4&D2S38=10). It configures the modem so that Device ManageR can use it.
– In COM Port, select the port that your modem is using on Device ManageR’s host system.
To find the port, please see our FAQ, How To Check The COM Port Of Your Modem.
– For direct dial, select the following in Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits and Parity:
Baud Rate: 2400
Data Bits: 7
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: Even
If you are using TAP, check with your service provider for the correct settings.
5. Select Save Settings to save your changes.
6. Then send a test message to the number you entered in Test Phone.
Modem Manager Windows 7
– Select Test Voice Modem to test playing alerts over the phone.
– Select Test Dial Out Modem to test text messaging through a TAP service or dial tones through direct dial.
Configuring Your GSM Modem
1. Open Device ManageR in your web browser. You may open it by entering ‘localhost:8080’ or ‘<IP address of host system>:8080’ in your browser’s address bar.
2. Select Settings in the navigation bar to the left.
3. In the Settings menu, select External Modems.
4. In the External Modems page, locate the GSM Modem section.
Linux Modem Manager
– In Service Center #, enter your cellular service provider’s service center number
– In Test Phone #, enter a phone number to send a test message to once you’ve finished configuring your modem.
– In COM Port, select the port that your modem is using on Device ManageR’s host system.
To find the port, please see our FAQ, How To Check The COM Port Of Your Modem.
– In Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits and Parity, select the following:
Baud Rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: None
– Leave GSM Advanced Settings at the default. This section contains the script that Device ManageR uses to send notifications.
5. Select Save Settings to save your changes.
6. Then select Test GSM Modem to send a test message to the number you entered in Test Phone #.
Viewing the Modem Log
If you need to troubleshoot your modem’s configuration, you may find it useful to view the log. Select View Modem Log to download the .log file, which you may view in any text editor, such as Notepad.
Configuring Modem Actions
For more information about dial-out and GSM notifications, please see the following FAQs:
– How To Configure A GSM Action In Device ManageR
– How To Configure A Dial Out Modem Action in Device ManageR